Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Short and Sweet

In the morning I sat and watched a few of the early childhood teachers. It was GREAT because they speak so well and enunciate every word because they're talking to little kids so it was a really good way for me to listen and practice. And they were also doing things that were hands on so if I didn't understand the words I could look at a visual. I understood almost everything!

Then after, I went downtown for a little bit with the two West Virginia girls and this other girl who lives here now and teaches here (she's from California) and we went to a little cafe place and they got some awesome looking coffee things and I got a "Pepsi Light" and a "Cremita" (basically a pastry filled with cream). The cremita wasn't as good as I'd hoped, but it wasn't bad.

I got to know the town a little better now, so now I feel more comfortable walking around, and know where some things are, like the bank, a candy store, some pastry shops, some restaurants and some other stuff. Good!

1 comment:

  1. That's so funny that you listen to the people talking to kids as a way to learn better. Like all things, when we learn something new, we're better off going back to kindergarten in style. Kindergarten is such a great model for learning. People talk clearly. There are always hands on examples. Students are praised for even small changes in understanding. If we could teach everything like this, instead of assuming adults don't need that kind of treatment, we'd be a smarter people. D
