Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The food isn't bad here. I'm not complaining. It usually consists of rice, which is in pretty much EVERY dish. Really. It's VERY rare not to have rice. Usually there is also some variety of beans, which I actually have surprisingly liked with it, especially in gallo pinto, a rice and bean dish, haha. The only bean thing I really haven't liked was a refried bean thing they often have. It just tasted very weird to me. And there is usually some sort of fried meat. Often, the meat isn't the best and the way they fry it doesn't taste too amazing, but overall, it's really not bad. I'd say I have enjoyed more meals than not.

However, there are some things I miss. It's weird, it's like they have everything here, but it's just not the same. I had that burger at Denny's, and it just didn't taste American (although the fries were AMAZING). However, the Denny's fries were the only ones that were really good. The rest of the fries I have had here have been overly greasy/mushy and have come with this weird sauce that's kind of like sweet and sour and sometimes with mayo. I want my ketchup! I have had pizza here and it was really very good but it was more in the Italian restaurant style, not the greasy, fatty, college student style.

Food is definitely one thing I am going to be very happy to return to. When I get back I'm going to pig out for awhile. Go to Scotty's and get a total American burger and fries. Then go to Mad Mushroom and get an insanely big, greasy, goodness-all-over pizza with some cheese bread. Then go to Chipotle (I know I know, this sounds VERY hypocritical, but I still miss it). Then I'll just make myself a good damn sandwich. Mmm. They don't really eat sandwiches here that often. I want one. Oh, and Coldstone (although I've gotten these orange popsicles a few times here that is made by a local woman and they're SO SO GOOD and refreshing).


  1. Ahh, you're making me want a good old american burger now. Rice and beans, ey? At least it's good for you and tastes decent. I wonder if when CR people vacation in the US if they write back, "The fries here are kind of stiff and hard - i miss the softer style, and what's with the sauce here? It's just not the same. The icecream is all heavy with sweet cream and doesn't have that fresh fruit taste. I am SO SICK OF HAMBURGERS. Pizza here too, it's too, I don't know, not like home. God what I'd do for a plate of beans and rice with some over cooked fried chunks of meat."

  2. I wrote this comment last night, but then my net ATE it:

    a) Consider it a good time to lose some weight/get fitter? I know tons of people eat healthier when in other countries. I've had that different food experience in the States, even, hell - all the food I ate at Green Mountain definitely had a taste and smell to it, and I refused to eat salmon for a few months when I got back cause we had the shit at least twice a week there.

    b) You know how my mom's family is from England, right? So they visited relatives a decent few times when she was younger and they ALWAYS had to bring a bottle of ketchup when they packed because Mom's younger sister was a hella picky eater and they had no ketchup in England in the 60's. Always thought that was funny. :)
