Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's Official

Just got back from Denny's. In Costa Rica. Yes. My first meal was Denny's. But to be honest, it was a great intro experience. I got the Spanish version of the menu (even though it's pretty obvious what you're ordering with giant pictures and words like "hamburguesa"). The burger I got was insane - it had hash browns, an egg, and queso sauce on it. It wasn't amazing but the fries were SO good. The ketchup had a different consistency.

I definitely spoke to the waiter pretty much only in Spanish. I asked for an extra plate for ketchup. I told him that I wish America had burgers with eggs and hash browns and queso sauce. And I think he told me that it was a common thing here and he seemed surprised that it wasn't in America. That's so interesting how every country probably has different versions of classic foods.

I definitely did the Foreigner's Laugh a few times, where I sort of MAYBE understood what he was trying to say but definitely wasn't sure, so I kind of just pretended I knew and chuckled, even though it was so obvious I was faking. AGH. His name was Juan Carlos. He was very nice.

The thing that's annoying is that I thought the exchange rate made things really cheap here. I know normally things probably are but I guess since I'm rrrrrright near the airport, things are really expensive. I didn't really realize until I got the check how expensive it was gonna be. It cost like $15/$16 for just a burger, fries and a Coke. What the HELL!

Ah man, it's SOOOOOO cool to be here though. I LOVE speaking Spanish and trying to get better at it. I love that type of learning. You just DO it. You don't practice, prepare, or anything like that; you're just thrown in there and do it. It's great. I am SO excited to meet my family tomorrow.

AAAAAGGGGHHHH this is gonna be such an awesome trip.

I must say though, I definitely miss Dana sooo much as well as family. I felt pretty lonely tonight in Denny's. I want a friend (even though Juan Carlos was a pretty awesome chap.

Hasta luego mis amigos

1 comment:

  1. You mean, Casa Denne? That "Foreigner's Laugh" is hilarious. I do that right here at home all the time, "Yea, hahaha, got it, yup, I'm right there with ya pal" but have no idea what they said. Sounds like you and Juan got off to a good start - you'll be chatting up a storm in no time. We miss you too, but this is such a good, comfortable, exciting thing that the miss is dressed up in cool pajamas by a fire, having some fun.
