Thursday, April 16, 2009



My favorite class I teach is “preparatoria” (equivalent to Kindergarten). This class has been incredibly fun and rewarding since I've been here. They almost always listen and pay attention, and they're always really actively involved (as GREATLY opposed to the really young kids, who often just sit there staring into space). I set some goals before teaching this class, including: ability to sing a number of songs (some in English, some in Spanish); ability to sing with a smooth, flute-like voice (as opposed to yell-singing, which kids naturally tend to do); and ability to maintain a steady beat. Today, I saw all three of those things.

They were singing all the words of the songs, which is awesome (no other class has done this). The words were kind of weird sounding because they didn't really know them in English, but we went over them and it got better. That's the thing, they're really willing to learn and improve.

They were singing in pitch, at least for the most part, which is VERY good for Kindergartners. I was really amazed at how in tune the songs were.

 They had a great tone, which is also VERY good for Kindergartners. Usually they sound awful. It's especially great because it's only been a month. They definitely have a tendency to want to yell, but I've really been grinding down and getting them to sing in their upper register - head voice - and they're really starting to get that flute-like tone that kids have when they're singing well.

They were moving in rhythm, at least with important parts of the songs. There are parts where they have to do certain movements with certain words, and they were doing them right on beat! Kindergartners tend to have trouble with keeping a beat so this was a great step.

They really love music. A lot of kids this young are shy and don't really want to be singled out. But most of these kids love participating so much! One kid even suggested today that he sing a solo. I was like, "Yeah!" He sang it and then almost everyone else wanted to as well, so we went around the circle. Now, to be honest, in a solo setting, most of them didn't sound as good (although there were a few who sang PERFECTLY), but still, to be that enthusiastic about music is really good. And they don't just do it with this - they love dancing, moving, singing, playing games (of course), improvising, and tons of stuff. It's just great.

They're just a great class and it made me feel accomplished today because I could really see improvement.

As for the other classes, it's hit or miss. I'd say about half I feel pretty good about, and half, I am having a hard time with (mainly due to classroom management). Some of the kids here just don't give a DAMN about what the teacher says. They'll talk, talk, talk, laugh, talk, play their instrument (if I haven't taken it away yet), talk again, laugh again, and so on. Then I'll freak out in a various number of ways - go up to a student and just stare at them; loudly say "NO HABLEN" [don't talk]; take away they're instrument (if we're using them); whistle to get everyone's attention; or burst out and say something like "Okay, I've HAD it. I'm SICK and tired of this. No matter WHAT I say, it doesn't matter. STOP." But it doesn't really matter, they don't really work for more than a few minutes.

One of the issues is that I really don't know names. Next week I'm going to bring in the rosters and really try to learn names. Then I can call specific kids out. Also (in the after school band, at least), I'm going to start marking when kids play or talk when they're not supposed to, and if I have to scold a kid like three times, I'm going to make them go to the office and just sit there. Then maybe I'll give them one more chance the next week and if it happens again, I'll kick them out of the band. The band's hard enough as it is because it's basically thirty kids with sticks and drums. That is HARD to make sound good and to make everyone play together. I'm struggling with it. But add on top of that a bunch of annoying kids who don't really care and who talk and play all the damn time, and you've got yourself a TOUGH situation.

Overall though, I think I've taught the kids some good stuff and I think they really enjoy music. And that's the most important thing. So good!


  1. Way to go Whit! You are such a teacher now. All these blogs make me feel so proud of you and happy that you've done this.

  2. Sit outs work pretty well for kindergarten age from what I've seen - but I totally know what you mean about trying a bazillion ways to get them to listen. I'm doing the same with my play kids. Also, what I found is telling them things are a priviledge they can lose if they don't behave is a biiiiiig help. Because then sometimes all it will take will be asking "do you want to continue to be here and have fun/participate/etc?" because they usually remember 'oh snap, I could get kicked'

    But I'm so glad that one class is doing so well! the accomplishment sounds amazing! :D
